How can we help you feel better?
Schedule your Free Wellness Discovery Call with Fortify’s wellness assistant.
Schedule your Free Wellness Discovery Call with Fortify’s wellness assistant.
Dr Nicole is a licenced Naturopathic Doctor and has the goal of optimizing health in every decade! Her areas of focus include but are not limited to: women’s health, cardiometabolic wellness, integrative cancer care in women’s cancer, anti-ageing, weight management, hormone balancing, mental health, environmental medicine, and preventative medicine.
Nicole is passionate about wellness and wants to bring her patients the hope that they can gain education and confidence on how to better their health with natural medicine. Nicole is certified in the additional training of Intravenous Vitamin and Injection Therapies as an added option and benefit to her patients care plans.
Nicole is excited to be working at Fortify because of the warm and inviting atmosphere it brings to patients. Guests are welcomed from the moment they walk through the door and health becomes a team effort with the various practitioners available to collaborate and create comprehensive care plans across providers.
Book with Dr. Nicole Pander